Renault on Thursday revealed the third generation C-segment Megane at the Paris Motor Show. The sedan version of the old Megane will be replaced by a new sedan in 2009 called Fluence. The Fluence will start off using conventional drivertrains, but two years after introduction, it will go electric. Renault EVP Patrick Pelata told a summit in Paris that when the electric Fluence launches in 2011 the company expects to start with 20-40,000 units. A year after the battery-powered Fluence arrives, a smaller compact electric car will also arrive. That second car will be built at a plant in Flins, northwest of Paris. Both cars will use lithium ion that may well be manufactured in France as well. Just as Tesla learned when it shifted battery production from Thailand to California, it makes sense to build battery packs closer to the car assembly plants in order to reduce shipping costs of the heavy packs.